Delivering Sustainable Outcomes

Sustainability reporting

At BlueScope we aim to provide transparent and meaningful disclosure about our sustainability performance. Our integrated disclosure suite aims to provide the breadth and depth of disclosure expected by our stakeholders. Our Sustainability Report suite consists of three documents - the full report, a summary and data supplement. We also provide a highlights document and further depth on key topics in our Climate Action Report, Modern Slavery Statement and Tax Contribution Report. Reports from previous years can be found here.

BlueScope Sustainability Report 2021-22

Our FY2022 Sustainability Report

Provides an overview of our performance against our five Sustainability Outcomes, addressing topics that support Our Purpose and are important to our people, communities, customers and investors.

Sustainability Data Supplement Report

Our FY2022 Sustainability Data Supplement

Provides further detail on how our sustainability disclosures align to the sustainability frameworks that support our stakeholders’ decision-making. These include the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Industry Standard for Iron and Steel Producers, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and an overview of our alignment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our FY2023 Modern Slavery Statement

Details the steps we are taking to identify and address the risks of human trafficking, forced labour and other forms of modern slavery in our operations and supply chains. Whilst the Statement meets the requirements of the Australian Modern Slavery Act, it is more than a statement of compliance.  It demonstrates how we are living Our Purpose, and details the actions we have taken, and will continue to take, to address these important global issues.



BlueScope Climate Action Report

Our FY2021 Climate Action Report

In 2021, we published BlueScope’s first stand-alone Climate Action Report, which sets out our strategy and plans to address the decarbonisation challenge across our global operations.

Modern Slavery Sttaement

Our FY2022 Modern Slavery Statement

Details the steps we are taking to identify and address the risks of human trafficking, forced labour and other forms of modern slavery in our operations and supply chains. Whilst the Statement meets the requirements of the Australian Modern Slavery Act, it is more than a statement of compliance.  It demonstrates how we are living Our Purpose, and details the actions we have taken, and will continue to take, to address these important global issues.

Our Tax Contribution Report

Our FY2022 Tax Contribution Report

Across the globe, we employ local people, use a mix of national and local suppliers, and support economies more broadly through taxes and other government payments. BlueScope is committed to transparent tax reporting. Our Tax Contribution Report aims to help the community, including our investors, better understand our tax strategy, governance and compliance with the tax laws in Australia and internationally.

Our FY2023 Modern Slavery Statement

Details the steps we are taking to identify and address the risks of human trafficking, forced labour and other forms of modern slavery in our operations and supply chains. Whilst the Statement meets the requirements of the Australian Modern Slavery Act, it is more than a statement of compliance.  It demonstrates how we are living Our Purpose, and details the actions we have taken, and will continue to take, to address these important global issues.