08 December 2021
Executive Leadership Team changes to reinforce sustainability
BlueScope has announced some important changes to its Executive Leadership Team, which reinforce the Company’s important sustainability credentials.
In response to fast-growing demands for BlueScope to take action on climate change and deliver sustainability results, Gretta Stephens will take on an expanded role as Chief Executive Climate Change & Sustainability, effective 1 January 2022.
To enable her to concentrate fully on this growing and high profile role, Gretta will relocate to Head Office in Melbourne, and transition from her role as Chief Executive New Zealand & Pacific Islands.
The merged Climate Change & Sustainability team will continue to work with our businesses to drive our decarbonisation pathway and ensure we continue to deliver on BlueScope’s broader sustainability focus areas, in alignment with Our Purpose.
Robin Davies has been appointed Chief Executive New Zealand & Pacific Islands, replacing Gretta Stephens from the start of 2022.
Robin has a depth of international and operational experience, having worked for Tata Steel Europe prior to joining BlueScope in 2008. He held a number of roles in New Zealand before moving to Ohio in 2017 as President North Star BlueScope Steel. Returning to New Zealand in 2020, Robin took up the role of General Manager Sales & Marketing NZPI / General Manager Pacific Steel, and since February 2021 has been Chief Operating Officer.
BlueScope is a registered trademark of BlueScope Steel Limited.